Right to Reside in the Family Home
My name is Simon and I’m 50 years old. At the time I first got in touch with NAS I was living at home with my father, whose health was deteriorating. Plans were being put in place for my Dad to enter a nursing home. I was being encouraged by my family to move into a nursing home as they felt that I wouldn’t be capable of living on my own, and that this option would allow me to stay close to my Dad. My voice was not being heard or represented in this decision. My advocate worked with me to have my voice heard in relation to my wishes and my preferences. My wish was to remain living in my home with supports and to visit my Dad in the nursing home regularly.
The advocacy support meant my voice was heard and my wishes were taken into account, and it led to a special package of support being put in place, which involved home support workers and also support from an independent living skills team. I have regular meetings to review this plan. It is working very well. My home support package will now decrease over time as I build up my skills and confidence in my home. My Dad passed away during the advocacy process and left me the right to reside in the family home. Despite concerns from family members, I maintain that I want to live in the family home, to continue to build up my skills and live independently in accordance with my wishes.