Theme: Social Welfare, Housing, Employment, Grants, Taxes, Transport, Supports
You can find a lot of useful information at Citizens Information on rights and entitlements for people with disabilities, including;
- welfare payments,
- transport and mobility,
- education and grants,
- employment,
- housing,
- tax credits,
- health,
- community based supports.
You can find a lot of useful information at Citizens Information on rights and entitlements for people with disabilities, including around welfare payments, transport and mobility, education and grants, employment, housing, tax credits and health and community based supports.
You can call the Citizens Information Phone Service on 0818 07 4000.
In addition to the Citizens Information website, you can drop into a Citizens Information centre, to talk to someone in person. Find a Citizens Information Centre near you on this map.
Sign Language Interpreting Service
Sign Language Interpreting Service (SLIS) is the national Sign Language Interpreting Service for Ireland. SLIS provide a range of services to support quality interpreting in Ireland for Deaf people and public and other services. SLIS is supported and funded through the Citizens Information Board.
Theme: Disability Services
The HSE provides and funds a range of services for people with disabilities and their carers. These services include;
- basic health services
- assessment,
- rehabilitation,
- income maintenance,
- community care
- residential care respite,
- home care
- day care.
Some services are provided directly by the HSE. Community, residential and rehabilitative training services are provided by voluntary organisations with grant aid from the HSE.
Theme: Making a Complaint about Public Organisation
The Ombudsman examines complaints from people who feel they have been unfairly treated by a public service provider. The Ombudsman can examine complaints against most organisations that deliver public services. These include government departments, local authorities, the HSE, nursing homes and publicly funded third level education bodies.
Theme: Equality and Discrimination
Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission
If you feel you have experienced discrimination, either at work or when buying or accessing goods or services, or have had your rights denied because of your disability, you can contact the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission for information and support.
Workplace Relations Commission
If you have experienced discrimination because of your disability at work or when buying or accessing goods or services, including from a public sector organisation, you can make a complaint to the Workplace Relations Commission.
The Decision Support Service (DSS) promotes the rights and interests of people who may need support with decision-making. The DSS is not yet operational, but will be launching in early 2023.
Theme: Disability Policy
This is the State Agency with responsibility for development of best practice policy in relation to disability issues in Ireland.
Theme: Education Assistance
National Council for Special Education
The National Council for Special Education service is delivered through its national network of Special Educational Needs Organisers (SENOs) who interact with parents and schools and liaise with the HSE in providing resources to support children with special educational needs.
Theme: Self-Advocacy
Inclusion Ireland is the national association for people with intellectual disabilities in Ireland. It campaigns for people with intellectual disabilities’ rights, and can provide information and support. Inclusion Ireland has a self-advocacy toolkit, to help people to advocate for themselves.
Disability Federation of Ireland
The Disability Federation of Ireland campaigns for equal inclusion for all people with disabilities in Irish society.
The Irish Advocacy Network Ltd is an island-wide, independent, mental health organisation led by people with personal experience of mental health difficulties.